ADMISSION A.Y. 2024-25


Access type: Open with curricular requirements

  • Bachelor’s degree in classes: L-7 Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, L-8 Bachelor of Science in Information Engineering, L-9 Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering or equivalent;
  • Knowledge of the English Language with certification (minimum level B2-upper intermediate) or Proficiency Certificate in conjunction with the GRE®
  • Program characterized by a minimum number of credits in various disciplinary fields, preparatory to the courses taught in the master’s degree course;


Call for Applications A.Y. 2024-25

Applications can be submitted by Italian citizens, E.U. citizens, non-EU citizens who reside in Italy (art. 26 legge 30 luglio 2002 n. 189), and non-EU citizens who do not reside in Italy and apply for a study visa.

Sixty places are reserved for non-EU citizens who do not reside in Italy and will apply for a study visa.

Four places are reserved for Chinese citizens participating in the “Marco Polo” project.

For admission to the Master of Science in Mechatronics Engineering, prospective students must have a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Sciences, Mechatronics, Electronics, Mechanics, or Biomedical Engineering. Other degrees are possibly allowed. They will be accurately evaluated to assess the necessity of acquiring supplementary study credits.

The application procedure for the M.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering is designed to make it as simple as possible while meeting all our candidates’ needs.

  • Three application windows

Open to all candidates worldwide to comply on time with legal requirements. Such windows are in order:

I window: 22nd of February 2024 – 11th of March 2024 (CLOSED)
II window: 25th of March 2024 – 15th of April 2024 (CLOSED)
III window: 29th of April 2024 – 20th of May 2024 (CLOSED)
  • Two additional windows 

Differently from the previous windows open to all candidates worldwide, such windows can be exclusively used by students who do not need a student visa and whose Bachelor’s Degree*** is awarded by an Italian Institution.


I additional window: 22nd of July 2024 – 9th of September 2024
II additional window: 3rd of February 2025 – 28th of February 2025

Each candidate can submit only one application per academic year (DELPHI PAGE).


  1. Passport or ID Card.
  2. Scientific CV for Admission [fill in only the provided formany other form is not allowed and leads to the admission request rejection].
  3. Either English Language Certificate* (minimum level: B2-Upper Intermediate; date of the certificate from August 2020 onwards) for non-native English speakers or Nationality/Citizenship/Country of Residence Statement for native English speakers;
  4. Otherwise (as a replacement of point c.): Proficiency Certificate – provided by a University requiring the B2-level English language certificate – in conjunction with the GRE® General Test Score, [select the GRE Designated Institution (DI) Code 3369, University of Rome Tor Vergata].
  5. Bachelor’s degree certificate with the final GPA (Grade Point Average) (when available**).
  6. Transcript of Records [Bachelor’s degree] – including exam dates and scores.
  7. Excerpt from the B.A. thesis (ten pages) – it describes most of its content and possibly includes the Abstract – (when available).

* (see the Call for Application)

** Students who still need to obtain their academic degree can already submit their admission request, provided that the expected Graduation date is indicated, along with the list of exams yet to be taken. (see the Call for Application)


To be assessed by the Admission Board of the Tor Vergata University of Rome, applicants have to:

Fill in the form with personal data, upload the required documents, and validate the application after payment.

  • PRE-ENROLLMENT (art. 3 Procedura di pre-immatricolazione*)

From 02 April 2024 to 14 July 2024

  • ENROLLMENT (art. 4 Procedura di immatricolazione*)

From 15 July 2024 to 31 March 2025.

*(see the Italian CALL FOR APPLICATIONS)


  • You to pay by PagoPA; – pdf
  • You must Validate the application at the following link; point b; proceed as indicated; otherwise, your application will not be considered;

1. Application to programs taught in English


be careful to use your personal FISCAL CODE (16 characters alpha numbers and not the Fiscal code of the University)

  • The following documents must be downloaded:

  1. Call for Applications A.Y. 2024/25:
  2. Scientific CV for Admission:

Further deadlines will be updated here:

  • 14 July 2025 is the deadline for pre-enrollment application at Universitaly. The university will not approve pre-enrollment applications submitted after the date mentioned above.
  • In-presence enrollment procedures must be completed by __________.
  • Non-EU applicants can enroll by 15 December 2025 by paying extra fees for late enrollment procedures.


If you have any questions or issues regarding the application procedure, please get in touch with, including the following information (in full English with no emojis or inappropriate abbreviations):

  1. Relevant and concise subject line.
  2. Body of email with:
    • Window application
    • Your full name (name + family name)
    • Your Country
    • Fiscal code (if you have already submitted your application)
    • State your issue or query.

Contact the International Student Office: about the enrollment procedure, deadline, and questions on Universitaly;

Contact this email address: about the suitability of a foreign qualification. (Italian website) (Engilsh website)