Student guides

Guida dello Studente Ingegneria 2017-2018
Student guide Tor Vergata Macroarea Engineering Guide (ITA)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Studying at Tor Vergata University of Rome _____________ 8
1.1 Educational offer ___________________________ 8
1.2 – What you need to know _______________ 9
1.2.1 Minimum admission requirements ___________ 9
1.2.2 Organisation of studies ________________ 9
Chapter 2 – Campus Information Services _______________________ 10
2.1- General information service ________________ 10
2.2- Student Affairs Offices ___________________ 13
Chapter 3 – Provisional enrolment procedure _____________________ 15
3.1 – How to take the “admission test” _____________________ 15
3.2 – How to register for the “Assessment tests” ______________ 16
Online validation of payment is essential for participation in the admission test. _ 16
3.3 – How to request the “Assessment of curricular requirements” ___ 16
3.4 – Specific procedures for the preliminary assessment of applications – English-taught courses courses ___________ 17
Chapter 4 – Enrolment _______________________________________ 19
4.1 – How to enrol __________________ 19
4.2 – Application for degree programme shortening _______________ 22
Chapter 5 – International Students _____________________________ 24
5.1 EU/EU nationals and non-EU nationals with foreign qualifications who do not need a visa __ 26
5.1.1) Admission Tests ____________________ 26
5.1.2) Admission requirements ___________ 27
5.1.3) How to enrol _____________________ 29
5.1.4) Documents required for enrolment in a Bachelor’s or one-cycle degree programme: ___ 29
5.1.5) Documents required for enrolment in a Master’s degree programme (two-year courses): __ 30
5.1.6) TUITION FEES ___________ 30
5.2 Non-EU nationals not resident in Italy (visa applicants) _______ 30
5.2.1 Admission Tests __________________ 30
5.2.2 Admission requirements ______________________________ 31
5.2.3) Proof of knowledge of the Italian language _____________ 33
5.2.4) Pre-enrolment application to get a visa: ___________________ 33
5.2.5) Once in Italy__________________________ 34
5.2.6) Re-allocation of non-EU students applying for visas to courses with national programmed access ________________________________________ 35
5.2.7) How ro enrol __________________________________ 35
5.2.8) Documents required for enrolment in a Bachelor’s or one-cycle degree programme: ___ 36
5.2.9) Documents required for enrolment in a Master’s degree programme (two-year courses): __ 36
5.2.10) TUITION FEES __________________________________ 37
5.3 EU and non-EU nationals legally resident in Italy with a final qualification obtained in Italy_ 37
5.3.1) Admission tests __________________________________ 37
5.3.2) How to enrol _____________________ 37
5.4 Chinese nationals under the “Marco Polo” project _________ 38
5.4.1) Admission requirements ___________________ 38
Admission to Bachelor’s and one-cycle degree programmes requires the following: _____ 38
5.4.2) Pre-enrolment application to get a visa ________________ 39
5.4.3) Once in Italy _____________________________ 41
5.4.4) Admission tests ____________ 41
5.4.5) Re-allocation of students _________ 42
5.4.6) How to enrol ___________________________________ 42
5.4.7) Documents required for enrolment in a Bachelor’s or one-cycle degree programme: _____ 43
5.4.8) Documents required for enrolment in a Master’s degree programme (two-year courses): 43
5.4.9) TUITION FEES _____________________________________ 43
Chapter 6 – Registration in academic years following the first ________ 44
6.1 – How to register for the second and following years ______________ 44
6.2 – Registration for the second and following year with a valid residence permit _________ 45
6.3 – Extension of the deadline for graduate student registration (PRECAUTIONARY APPLICATION) __________ 46
6.4 – Registration as a part-time student ___________ 47
Chapter 7 – Tuition fees _____________________________________ 50
7.1 – Verification of credit requirements for the calculation of tuition fees _________________ 55
7.2 – Payment and deadlines for tuition fees ____________________________ 55
7.3 – Payment methods ______________ 57
7.4 – University ISEE ____________________ 58
7.4.1 – What is the University ISEE certificate and what is it for? _______ 59
7.4.2 – How to apply for the University ISEE __________________ 59
7.4.3 – The ISEEUP – University ISEE Parificato ________ 60
7.4.4 – Deadline for the ISEE-University submission _______________ 60
7.4.5 – Recommentations _______________________________ 61
7.5 – Exemptions _________________________________________ 62
7.5.1 – Full exemption ____________________________________ 62
7.5.2 – Partial exemption ______________________ 64
7.5.3 – Exemption from admission test payment ___________________ 66
7.6 – Various contributions ______________________________ 67
7.7 – Schools of Specialisation in the Health Care Sector _______________________________ 68
7.8 – Postgraduate schools in Legal studies _______________________ 69
7.9 – State examinations___________ 70
7.10 – Tuition fee refund ________________________ 71
7.11 – Penalties and tax assessment ________________________________ 73
Capitolo 8 – During your career ________________________________ 74
8.1 – Interruption and resumption of studies ________________________ 74
8.2 – ALIAS career for transgender students ________ 76
8.3 – Withdrawal from studies _______________ 76
8.4 – Forfeiture of studies ___________ 77
8.5 – Resumption of studies with recognition of examinations after forfeiture/withdrawal _____ 77
8.6 – Suspending your studies ___________________ 78
8.7 – Course transfers _______________________________________ 80
8.8 – Incoming transfers __________________________________ 81
8.9 – Outgoing transfers _________________ 84
8.10 – Simultaneous enrolment ________________________________ 85
8.11 – Enrolment in single-subject courses ________________________ 87
8.12 – Preparatory courses (Foundation Course) _________________ 91
8.13 – Dual career Students-Athletes ___________________________ 91
8.14 – Scholarships and opportunities ___________________________ 93
8.15– Examination, verification and certifications _________ 95
8.15.1 – Examinations _________________ 95
8.15.2 – Study plan and exam registration ___________________ 95
8.15.3 – Graduation exam ____________ 96
8.15.4 – Collecting your graduation parchment _____________ 98
8.15.5 – Diploma Supplement __________________________________ 99
8.15.6 – Certification issuance _______________________________ 99
8.15.8 – Self-certification _________ 101
8.16 – Additional services for students _______________ 101
8.16.1 – Libraries ______________________________________ 101
8.16.2 – University Sports Centre _____________ 103
8.16.3 – Student Ombudsperson _____________________ 104
8.16.4 – Accommodation ___________________________________ 104
8.16.5 – Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG) ________________________ 105
8.16.6 – Commission for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities and SLD (CARIS) _____ 106
8.16.7 – Online Delphi platform _______________________________ 106
8.16.8 Online services for Tor Vergata students _____________________ 107
8.16.9 – Regulations ____________________________________ 109
8.16.10 – Facilitations ___










