ERASMUS+ A.A.2025-2026 – meeting 5 February 2025


On the occasion of the publication of the ERASMUS call, the Engineering Macroarea is organizing an information event that will be held on Wednesday 5, February 2025, from 2:30 pm in the Conference Room (Aula CONVEGNI – Ground floor of the Didactic building Engineering), aimed at all students interested in learning more about the Erasmus+ program. During the event, the Erasmus Office staff will provide more information on the call and the program.

ERASMUS+ A.A.2025-2026: Candidatura Erasmus+ – TOR VERGATA

Deadline: 3° marzo 2025


ERASMUS International Dinner 14 December 2023 h: 19:00

ERASMUS International Dinner 14 December 2023 h: 19:00

Thursday, 14 December h. 7.00pm at the School of Economics

We are happy to announce that, after a three-year break, the Erasmus+ International Dinner is back: Everyone is welcome to this event, an international dinner with Erasmus students, international students, and national students from Tor Vergata University of Rome, to be held on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

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All students in the ranking, who have not been assigned a grant due to their absence from the first convocation meeting on March 13 and 14, are invited to attend the meeting for the assignation of the remaining grants, which will take place on Monday, March 20 at 3.30 pm in Aula Convegni.

Note: The candidate who cannot show up can delegate a person with a signed proxy and a copy of a valid document of both the delegator and the delegate.

Daniela Mannino

Call for international mobility for study or research – OVERSEAS deadline 27/01/2023

Call for international mobility for study or research – OVERSEAS deadline 27/01/2023

The University of Rome “Tor Vergata” offers the possibility to its students, regularly enrolled within the standard duration of the course of study increased by a year, to spend part of their course of study at a non-European university with which they have signed a collaboration agreement for a period of study lasting one semester, to follow the courses and take the exams.

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