Graduation Sessions

NEXT —> July 23, 2024 – 10:00 (NEW A.Y. 2023-24)

There are 4 sessions to graduate. The 1st Session of the Academic Year is in July, and the last is in April.

Before graduation, a date is set for a technical test (bring your laptop and thesis on a pen drive); during that, a technician will check the format of your presentation on the big screen to optimize it. You can contact Mr. Marco Di Genova for more information.

EXTRAORDINARY SESSION (it will be set only for exceptional reasons)




February 23, 2024 (A.Y. 2022-23) (precautionary) (PASSED)

room Convegni, h: 9:15 (students) – 9:40 starts


Technical test: February 19, h. 9:00

May 10, 2024 (A.Y. 2022-23) (precautionary) (PASSED)

room Convegni


Technical test: 

July 23, 2024 –  (NEW A.Y. 2023-24)

room Convengni, 9:45 (students) – 10:00 starts


Technical test: 18/07/2024 – 10:00

October 17, 2024 (A.Y. 2023-24)

room Convegni


Technical test:


  • Graduation  Calendar 2024 (Secretariat Student Office Macroarea Engineering)

    23-07-2024 room CONVEGNI

    17-10-2024 room CONVEGNI 

CAUTIONARY REQUEST: In the last year of their career, after the 2nd year, students can register in a “precautionary way” by following the standard procedure on Delphi by December 31.

In this way, the student will not pay the fees if the graduation occurs by the last session of April of the previous Academic Year of enrollment.

All the winter session exams (February) will be recorded in the examination report of the previous Academi year.

Suppose the student doesn’t complete the exams in the February session or the supervisor decides that the student won’t be able to graduate. In that case, the student must enroll in the new academic year without paying the additional fee.Salva
