To complete my enrolment in CIMEA (https://cimea.diplo-me.eu/torvergata/#/auth/login), is it enough to confirm the bachelor’s degree and its transcripts?

    • A bachelor’s degree should be enough, yet you may want to address your queries directly to UNIVERSITALY through the contacts reported on the website.

SoC – Statement of Comparability

I have been admitted. Can I provide the SoC, Statement of Comparability issue by CIMEA during enrollment?

    • CIMEA SoC is mandatory for pre-enrollment purposes.
    • The pre-enrollment at UNIVERSITALY will not be approved until the passport, admission letter, and SoC are uploaded.
    • All pre-enrollment applications on Universitaly will be processed based on the date of submission (or the date of editing) and according to the timelines and commitments of this office. If the pre-enrollment has not been filled in correctly or any other document is required, it will be notified, and you will be able to edit your pre-enrollment application.


To complete your enrolment, you must provide:
– Bachelor’s Degree in original;
– Transcript of exams or Diploma Supplement;

– CIMEA Statement of Comparability (to be obtained from the link: https://www.cimea.it/pagina-attestati-di-comparabilita-e-verifica-dei-titoli), for candidates holding qualifications issued by countries not signatories to the Lisbon Convention(*);
– Statement of Correspondence, downloadable from the ARDI platform (https://ardi.cimea.it/en) for candidates holding qualifications issued by countries not signatories to the Lisbon Convention(*)

Note: For information on the specific documentation to be provided according to the foreign qualification you hold, please refer to the following link: https://www.cimea.it/EN/pagina-guide-e-pubblicazioni under the section “Riconoscimento dei titoli esteri: documentazione accademica e procedure di verifica”)
If the required documents are not presented, your admission will be invalid.

Contact the International Student Office for any quires about procedures: international.students@uniroma2.it




  • The pre-enrollment can be submitted only if the student has all the documentation by 12th July 2024; otherwise, the university will not approve it.
  • What is the pre-enrollment
    • It’s the first step for your enrollment (it is not mandatory);
    • with the pre-enrollment, your place is guaranteed.
  • What do I have to upload in DELPHI for the pre-enrollment? (Documents have to be uploaded to the university, too)
    • high school diploma, translated into Italian, legalized by the authorities of the issuing country title;
    • Degree (Bachelor Sc. Or equivalent), translated into Italian by an official translator, legalized by the competent authorities of the country issuing the degree;
    • Declaration of equivalent Value (DoV) issued by the Italian Embassy in the country where the qualification was obtained or certificate of validity issued by ENIC-NARIC centres or by the representative’s diplomats in Italy (only for those who already have one);
    • Passport; photo; CIMEA Statement of Comparability and admission letter to the master’s degree received by the University of Rome Tor Vergata. (High school diplomas, undergraduate or post-secondary certificates, and bachelor’s degrees are also accepted in English).

Can online enrollment on Delphi be processed without a VISA?

      • Yes.
      • DoV or CIMEA Statement of Comparability is part of mandatory documentation.
  • My fiscal code has changed recently because of my new passport, so I cannot enroll online in the Delphi university system.
    • To carry out enrollment procedures, you must provide the new official fiscal code issued by the Embassy (or the Agenzia Delle Entrate, once in Italy).
    • Hence, you cannot proceed with online enrollment at the moment.
    • Indeed, the problem regarding your fiscal code can be solved only in your presence when you come to the international student’s office and submit the original documents.
    • Once obtain the new fiscal code, you can come for in-presence enrollment procedures.
  • I already completed my pre-enrollment for this course. Is there any possibility that I might enroll myself after reaching Italy, or can I enroll online through my portal?
    • You can proceed with the first two steps of the enrolment on your own.
      Please follow the steps described in the video tutorial: https://en.uniroma2.it/news/video-enrollment-for-international-students-with-a-foreign-title/
    • Also, remember that you must apply for the fiscal code and stay permit within the first 8 working days from your arrival in Rome.
      Please get in touch with us or come to the Welcome Office at Via Cracovia 50 if you need support.
    • The pre-enrollment application to Universitaly is mandatory exclusively for non-EU applicants not residing in Italy (including those holding a residence permit for other EU countries); https://www.universitaly.it/index.php/ – If the Italian embassies are not operative on the territory, you can refer to other Italian embassies in third territories to carry out Visa procedures.
    • The only mandatory documents to be uploaded for pre-enrollment at Universitaly are the passport and admission letter.
  • To print out the admission letter, you need to access Delphi with your fiscal code and CTRL (reported in the file attached herewith) https://delphi.uniroma2.it/totem/jsp/homeStudenti.jsp?language=EN
  • Admission with reserve for all the accepted candidates