Formative Activities – MATLAB (1-2 CFU)

Davide Cioccolo, the MATLAB Ambassador in Tor Vergata, will be present on December 4, 2023, to present his activities and the MATLAB & Simulink Tor Vergata channel (@matlab_uniroma2).

Enhance your skills in Software tools used in the Industry for Model-Based Design, AI, and Computer Vision

Completion of 3 Courses to enhance your knowledge of tools used in Industry for Simulation of Dynamic Systems, Physical Modeling, and Control Systems – 1 CFU




To deepen your knowledge of tools used in the industrial world for dynamic system simulation, physical modeling and control systems, and more in general for Model-Based Design, we recommend completing the following three courses. Successful completion of these courses will earn you 1 CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari). Here are the course details:

  • Simulink Fundamentals – Duration: 8 hours.

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Simulink, a powerful tool for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems. You will learn the basics of Simulink, including creating and simulating models and analyzing system behavior.

  • Simscape Onramp – Duration: 1.5 hours.

Simscape is a tool that enables you to model and simulate physical systems using a network of interconnected components. This onramp course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Simscape, including modeling physical systems, simulating their behavior, and analyzing the results.

  • Stateflow Onramp – Duration: 2 hours.

Stateflow is a graphical programming environment for modeling and simulating complex control logic. This onramp course will teach you how to create state machines, define state transition conditions, and simulate the behavior of control systems using Stateflow.

Completion of 3 Courses to enhance your knowledge of tools used in Industry for Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision in the Industrial Context – 1 CFU




To deepen your knowledge of tools used in the industrial world for artificial intelligence and computer vision, we recommend completing the following three courses. Successful completion of these courses will earn you 1 CFU. Here are the course details:

  • Deep Learning with MATLAB – Duration: 7 hours

This course focuses on deep learning techniques using MATLAB. You will learn the fundamentals of deep learning, including neural networks, training strategies, and deployment options. Practical examples and exercises will help you apply deep learning algorithms to real-world problems.

  • Reinforcement Learning Onramp – Duration: 2.5 hours

Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning that focuses on training agents to make decisions based on feedback from their environment. This onramp course will introduce you to the basics of reinforcement learning, including Markov decision processes, Q-learning, and policy gradients.

  • Computer Vision Onramp – Duration: 2 hours

Computer vision involves extracting, analyzing, and understanding information from visual data. This onramp course will provide an overview of computer vision techniques and algorithms. You will learn how to perform image processing tasks, object detection, and recognition using MATLAB.

Access the courses

Starts on 4th December 2023 h 13:30-14:00 room C8
notify your adhesion by 30 November 2023 to Prof. Cristiano M. Verrelli

Detailed instructions on how to assign 2 credits for the MATLAB activity

The first CFU is awarded if the student submits all 3 nominative certificates corresponding to the following courses with at least 95% feed rate:

  1. Simulink Fundamentals
  2. Simscape Onramp
  3. Stateflow Onramp

The second CFU is awarded if the student submits all 3 nominative certificates corresponding to the following courses with at least 95% feed rate:

  1. Deep Learning with MATLAB
  2. Reinforcement Learning Onramp
  3. Computer Vision Onramp