News for Students

News for Students

Given the continuing of the epidemiological state of emergency due to the Covid-19, the Rector has decreed what follows.

D.R. 629 25 Marzo 2020:

(Artt. 1,2,3,4,5)

Graduation Sessions

Graduation sessions for all the programmes at the Tor Vergata University of Rome will only take place using distance learning platforms.

Final thesis commissions will be made of at least three members, including the session President. The graduating student will be asked to show the Commission a valid ID and at the end of the dissertation, upon positive completion, the President will declare the student graduated, mentioning the final mark.

Each School will set an extra graduation session between 10th and 15th June 2020. All the students have submitted the Precautionary Application (Domanda Cautelativa) and the Graduation Request (Domanda di Laurea) within 30 days before the day set for the session, will be admitted to it.

Students who have already submitted their Graduation Request for March, April, and May 2020 sessions, and who have communicated the impossibility of taking the Final Exam, will be attending for the extraordinary session of June 2020, without paying any additional tax for the Academic Year 2019-20.

(Art. 6)

Tuition Fee Payment

The deadline for the second installment payment has been deferred to 10th June 2020, for both the tuition fees that were to be paid within 31st March and 29th May 2020.

ISEE Submission for MSc/MA students

For MSc/MA students enrolled in the first year of their programme after 1st March, the ISEE submission deadline has been postponed to 30th May 2020.

Coronavirus: Online Lessons

Coronavirus: Online Lessons
SUBJECT TEACHER lesson start Teams, Skype, Zoom audio, video, slide, blackboard/graphic tablet, other
ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS Rocco Giofrè 09/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES Verrelli Cristiano Maria 16/03/20 MS TEAMS Written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS Verrelli Cristiano Maria 17/03/20 MS TEAMS A written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Cordiner Stefano 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Bartolucci Lorenzo 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS FOR MECHATRONICS Mencattini Arianna 09/03/20 skype + MS TEAMS shared word notes and/or Matlab screen shared with interactive drawing via touch screen
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Micheletti Andrea 16/03/20 MS TEAMS video and audio with shared slides and whiteboard
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Artioli Edoardo 17/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides
NANOTECHNOLOGY Matteocci Fabio 17/03/20 Skype audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER Paolo Coppa 17/03/20 MS TEAMS + Screenpresso audio, video for graphics tablet
VLSI CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN Marco Re 23/03/20 MS TEAMS Audio, video, tablet