News for Students

News for Students

Given the continuing of the epidemiological state of emergency due to the Covid-19, the Rector has decreed what follows.

D.R. 629 25 Marzo 2020:

(Artt. 1,2,3,4,5)

Graduation Sessions

Graduation sessions for all the programmes at the Tor Vergata University of Rome will only take place using distance learning platforms.

Final thesis commissions will be made of at least three members, including the session President. The graduating student will be asked to show the Commission a valid ID and at the end of the dissertation, upon positive completion, the President will declare the student graduated, mentioning the final mark.

Each School will set an extra graduation session between 10th and 15th June 2020. All the students have submitted the Precautionary Application (Domanda Cautelativa) and the Graduation Request (Domanda di Laurea) within 30 days before the day set for the session, will be admitted to it.

Students who have already submitted their Graduation Request for March, April, and May 2020 sessions, and who have communicated the impossibility of taking the Final Exam, will be attending for the extraordinary session of June 2020, without paying any additional tax for the Academic Year 2019-20.

(Art. 6)

Tuition Fee Payment

The deadline for the second installment payment has been deferred to 10th June 2020, for both the tuition fees that were to be paid within 31st March and 29th May 2020.

ISEE Submission for MSc/MA students

For MSc/MA students enrolled in the first year of their programme after 1st March, the ISEE submission deadline has been postponed to 30th May 2020.

Coronavirus: Online Lessons

Coronavirus: Online Lessons
SUBJECT TEACHER lesson start Teams, Skype, Zoom audio, video, slide, blackboard/graphic tablet, other
ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS Rocco Giofrè 09/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES Verrelli Cristiano Maria 16/03/20 MS TEAMS Written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS Verrelli Cristiano Maria 17/03/20 MS TEAMS A written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Cordiner Stefano 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Bartolucci Lorenzo 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS FOR MECHATRONICS Mencattini Arianna 09/03/20 skype + MS TEAMS shared word notes and/or Matlab screen shared with interactive drawing via touch screen
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Micheletti Andrea 16/03/20 MS TEAMS video and audio with shared slides and whiteboard
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Artioli Edoardo 17/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides
NANOTECHNOLOGY Matteocci Fabio 17/03/20 Skype audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER Paolo Coppa 17/03/20 MS TEAMS + Screenpresso audio, video for graphics tablet
VLSI CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN Marco Re 23/03/20 MS TEAMS Audio, video, tablet

Tuition Fees

The Tor Vergata University of Rome, in accordance by art. 1, paragraph 254, law no. 23 dated 11th December 2016 ”Bilancio di previsione dello Stato per l’anno finanziario 2017 e bilancio pluriennale per il triennio 2017-2019”, has defined the levels of student fees to be paid for degree courses, by the principles of equality, advancement and progress, aiming to guarantee the right to study and to promote student dedication and merit.

Therefore, as far as the 2020/2021 academic year is concerned, the University has set up a new system of tariff accounting structured as follows:

A. An all-inclusive contribution taking into account the ISEE-University, the degree course, the amount of ECTS credits (CFU in Italian), and the following classification of students:

a. EU-students and non-EU students whose family unit’s income is earned in Italy;

b. EU students whose family unit’s income is earned abroad and who are enrolling or signing up for years following year one.

Tuition Fees

Three types of contributions, for each contribution class, are based on the number of ECTS credits obtained and the year of registration for the degree course.

Ordinary taxation: applicable to those students who:

  • enrolled in a degree course in the 2020/2021 academic year;
  • enrolled in the 2019/2020 academic year and who have obtained at least 10 ECTS credits (or 6 ECTS credits for part-time students) from 10th August 2019 to 10th August 2020;
  • registered within a delay of a maximum of one year later than the natural duration of the course and have obtained at least 25 ECTS credits (or 18 ECTS credits for part-time students) from 10th August 2019 to 10th August 2020.

No-tax area:

Within this Ordinary taxation, a no-tax area is meant for students who have an ISEE-UNIVERSITY not exceeding 26,000 Euros.

Partial exemption:

within this Ordinary taxation, a partial exemption is meant for students whose ISEE-UNIVERSITY is between 26,000 and 30,000 Euros.

Superior taxation: applicable to those students who do not fall under the ordinary taxation and are registered within a delay of a maximum of one year later than the natural duration of the course and have obtained at least 12 ECTS in the period from 10th August 2019 to 10th August 2020.

Partial exemption:

within this Superior taxation, a partial exemption is meant for students whose ISEE-UNIVERSITY is between 20,000 and 30,000 Euros.

Maximum taxation: applicable to those students who do not fall under the ordinary or superior taxation and are:

a) registered with a delay of more than two years later than the natural duration of the course;

b) registered within a delay of a maximum of one year later than the natural duration of the course and have not obtained at least 12 ECTS credits (less than 6 ECTS in the case of students enrolled in the second year) from 10th August 2019 to 10th August 2020.

The tuition fee will be calculated based on the ISEE-UNIVERSITY, as follows:

  • for an ISEE-UNIVERSITY between 0 Euros and 90,000 Euros: the contribution will be proportional to the value and will vary according to the contribution class and the type of taxation of the course;
  • for ISEE-UNIVERSITY of more than 90,000 Euros or for students that have no ISEE-UNIVERSITY: the contribution will be the maximum foreseen for the contribution class and type of taxation of the course.

B. Non-EU students, for which the ISEE calculation is inapplicable in compliance with art. 8, paragraph 5, DPCM no. 159 dated 2013 enrolled in an academic year following the first one, have to pay, in addition to the regional tax and the stamp duty, a fixed annual contribution based on their Country of origin, as follows;

-500.00 Euros if coming from the so-called “developing countries”, as defined in decree no. 62 dated 6th May 2020 issued by the MIUR;

-1,000.00 Euros in all other cases.

C. Starting from the 2020/2021 academic year non-EU students enrolled in the first year, for which the calculation of the ISEE is inapplicable in compliance with art. 8, paragraph 5, DPCM no. 159 dated 2013, in addition to the regional tax and stamp duty, are required to pay:

a) the all-inclusive annual fee of 2,500.00, even if in possession of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship if enrolled in the following three-year and master’s degree courses in English: “M.Sc. Business Administration”, “M.Sc. Finance and Banking”, “B. Sc. Business Administration and Economics “,” M.Sc. European Economy and Business Law “,” M.Sc. Economics “and” B.Sc. Global Governance”;

b) the fixed all-inclusive contribution per year on the basis of the Country of origin, even if in possession of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship (the scholarship recipients of the DISCOLAZIO scholarship are not subject to the payment of the regional tax) as follows:

-500.00 Euros if coming from the so-called “developing countries”, as defined in decree no. 62 dated 6th May 2020 issued by the MIUR4;

-1,000.00 Euros in all other cases.

Enrollment of international students in higher education courses in Italy Given the persistence of the COVID-19 emergency, the physical mobility of foreign/international students to Italy, as per the MIUR communication dated 22nd May 2020, must be replaced, at least for the whole of 2020, by e-learning, and therefore this category of students will be able to follow the lessons remotely for this period.

Nonetheless, the procedures for issuing visas for study purposes must be concluded by 30th November 2020.

4 Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo Democratic Republic, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Korea Dem. Rep., Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Yemen, Zambia e Zimbabwe.














