1 – Documentation for graduation (Delphi and Student Secretariat)

Required by “Engineering Student Office” (Didactic building):

Engineering Student Office


The application for admission to qualification must be submitted online from 60 to 30 days before the date of the graduation session.

  • Apply from DelphiGestione domanda di laurea”, “Manage graduation request”;
  • Once you have completed your DELPHI Degree Application, you will have one week to forward it by email to segreteria-studenti@ing.uniroma2.it;
  • The “Dichiarazione di assegnazione Tesi di Laurea/Lavoro finale”, with the final title of the thesis and signature of the supervisor, can be sent 15 to 5 days before;
  • To validate the receipt of payment, go to the AlmaLaurea website to fill out the questionnaire and print the receipt.
  • Be sure to submit your Study Plan during your studies (DO NOT SEND AGAIN).
  • If you have already paid the Invoice (in a previous session), you have to pay for a new one.


Send the following documents to: segreteria-studenti@ing.uniroma2.it

  • By 25 days:
    • Scanning of the Degree Application “Domanda di Laurea” (signed by student)
    • Scanning of the identification document
  • By 15 days:
    •  “Dichiarazione di assegnazione Tesi/Lavoro finale” – Graduation Thesis / Final assignment declaration (as soon as the teacher confirms the final qualification) (download from Delphi)
  • By 5 days:
    • Upload your Thesis Degree – procedure: (ITA) – (ENG)

(fill in the form with the definitive title of the Thesis; send it to the Supervisor to complete it (signature of supervisor, SSD, etc..). Send the completed form to segreteria-studenti@ing.uniroma2.it

For this course, contact: Mrs Romina Ricci (Secretariat Student)