Quality Management
The Degree Program adheres to the University quality policy and refers to the Joint Commission of the Department of Electronic Engineering.
In order to make the procedures related to quality management as effective and efficient as possible, intended as a measure of the characteristics of the CdLM training process in relation to expectations, the CdLM provides for a specific commission and a Manager other than the Coordinator of the CdLM. The Quality Management Commission is appointed by the Board of the Department on the proposal of the CdLM.
The Commission is chaired by a teacher (Head of Quality of the CdLM) and composed of the Coordinator of the CdLM, teachers, and exponents from the world of work, culture, and research. In line with the outgoing cultural profiles, the Commission reflects, analyzes, and provides information on the actual employment potential of graduates. It carries out interventions for the quality assurance of the CdLM, satisfying the provisions of the University and ANVUR, contributing to the design, implementation, and verification of activities related to the CdLM.
The Commission meets at least once a year upon the convocation of the Quality Manager of the CdLM or the Coordinator of the CdLM.
The Degree Programs are called upon, with a defined frequency, to analyze the progress of the degree courses through the “Review Group”.
The Review Group is appointed by the Department Council on the proposal of the CdLM and is composed of the Coordinator of the CdLM, the Head of Quality of the CdLM, the Head of the Didactic Secretariat of the CdLM, and any other members of the CdLM.
The functions of the Group consist in identifying possible improvement interventions, reporting to the manager, and specifying the deadlines and the indicators that allow verifying the degree of implementation; the verification of the achievement of the objectives pursued, or the identification of any reasons for failure or partial achievement; the drafting of the review and monitoring reports to be sent to the Evaluation Unit and to the Quality Department through the Quality Coordinator of the Electronic Engineering Department.
(Regolamento Didattico art. 4)
Reference Professors
- AGRESTI Antonio PA ING-INF/01 1
- DI NATALE Corrado PO ING-INF/01 1
- MARINO Riccardo PO ING-INF/04 1
VERRELLI Cristiano Maria PA ING-INF/04 1
Tutor for Students
- Prof. CARDARILLI Gian Carlo
- Prof. CORDINER Stefano
- Prof. COSTANZA Girolamo Antonio Sergio
- Prof. VERRELLI Cristiano Maria
- Prof. BIFARETTI Stefano
- Prof. TATA Maria Elisa
- Prof. VARONE Alessandra
- Prof. AGRESTI Antonio
“RRC – Gruppo di Riesame” “RRC – Gruppo di Riesame”
“CPDS – Commissione Paritetica”
“Gruppo di Gestione della Qualità – AQ”