Coronavirus: Online Lessons

Coronavirus: Online Lessons
SUBJECT TEACHER lesson start Teams, Skype, Zoom audio, video, slide, blackboard/graphic tablet, other
ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS Rocco Giofrè 09/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES Verrelli Cristiano Maria 16/03/20 MS TEAMS Written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS Verrelli Cristiano Maria 17/03/20 MS TEAMS A written version of the lecture, including a set of solved exercises and a list of activities.
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Cordiner Stefano 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES Bartolucci Lorenzo 03/11/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slide and virtual whiteboard
MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS FOR MECHATRONICS Mencattini Arianna 09/03/20 skype + MS TEAMS shared word notes and/or Matlab screen shared with interactive drawing via touch screen
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Micheletti Andrea 16/03/20 MS TEAMS video and audio with shared slides and whiteboard
MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES Artioli Edoardo 17/03/20 MS TEAMS audio with shared slides
NANOTECHNOLOGY Matteocci Fabio 17/03/20 Skype audio with shared slides and virtual whiteboard for practical exercises
THERMODYNAMICS AND HEAT TRANSFER Paolo Coppa 17/03/20 MS TEAMS + Screenpresso audio, video for graphics tablet
VLSI CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN Marco Re 23/03/20 MS TEAMS Audio, video, tablet


Dear students,

1. Please visit Delphi to find the form for the course registration. All students are required to sign up for the courses: FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS and CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES.

2. Please visit the site didatticaweb (courses FEEDBACK CONTROL SYSTEMS and CONTROL OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES) to find the first topics of the courses (Italian version: La Matematica Elementare del Feedback, III Ed., Esculapio).

Cristiano M. Verrelli

CLICI – Italian language courses from October to December 2018

CLICI – Italian language courses from October to December 2018

CLICI – Italian language courses from October to December 2018

The CLICI – Centre for Italian language and culture of the University of Rome Tor Vergata organizes extensive Italian language courses (60 hours) for foreigners from October to December 2018.

Lessons will be held twice a week from 5 pm to 8 pm.

Students who attend 70% of the course will be given a certificate of attendance and will be admitted to the final exam. Those students, who pass the final exam, will receive a final grade certificate.

Courses are free for students enrolled at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.

All students have to register online and, except the absolute beginners, students who want to enroll are required to sit a placement test and an interview for language level assessment.

The placement test and the interview will be held at Scuola IaD – Macroarea di Scienze MM.FF.NN. – Via del Fontanile di Carcaricola snc (see the link: on the following dates:

September 11th-17th-21th -24 th-28 th  October 2 nd

Registration is possible from 16 July to 25 September 2018. It is possible to register up to 7 days before the chosen exam date.

In order to register see the link:

Students who received the certificate of one of the Italian language courses of CLICI held in the period March-June 2018 are required to write an email to by September 25th, 2018 indicating the name of the teacher and the level of the course they attended. Therefore, they are not required to complete the online procedure in order to register.

CLICI contacts:

Clici Office: Campus X, Via di Passolombardo 341, 00133 Roma


Site: (link CLICI)

Tel. +39 06 725991027

Information for International Students

Information for International Students



Foundation Courses….an approach to the Italian academic world

Foundation Courses….an approach to the Italian academic world

The Foundation Courses are an approach to the Italian academic world and aim to offer a preparatory program, in Italian, for international students in order to meet the requirements for the admission according to the current regulation for the admission to the programs taught in Italian, improve the language skills, and get used to the teaching and study methods well-established within Europe. The overall duration of the course consists in one academic year starting, generally, in September.

All the information are at this link:, (Italian vers.);

and at this link:, (English vers.).

The applications are available from 30th May until 15th July 2018. The applicants need to fill the application form attached herewith and send it to the following e-mail address: .