Call for Scholarship 2020/21
LazioDisco English guide 2020/21 – How to fill in the application form:
Call for Scholarship 2020/21
LazioDisco English guide 2020/21 – How to fill in the application form:
University of Rome Tor Vergata, along with other Italian universities, is a partner of the Invest your talent in Italy, a program supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Trade Agency, Uni–Italia, Unioncamere and Confindustria.
The program offers the opportunity to develop your skills through a range of Master’s and postgraduate courses in English at prestigious Italian Universities, geared towards improving your academic, technical and professional skills.
General entry qualification required: a three or four-year Bachelor’s degree. Specific entry requirements will depend on the chosen course.
On-the-job training at leading Italian companies, while completing your academic work, provides practical skills for your future career.
Scholarships and much more: once selected by the university of choice, you will have access to the
opportunities offered by the Programme: scholarships, reductions/exemptions in tuition fees, orientation and student support services.
Registration and Application
More information: visit the following link: