The list below contains basic, practical, specific information that each student must follow.
- ENROLLMENT: Enroll in the current Academic Year (A.Y.), paying taxes in two steps: November (1st installment) – April (2nd installment). Remind to apply for the ISEE by 15 December;
- ENROLL IN CAUTELATIVE (after the 2nd year): If some exam is missing (max 4). No payment if the student graduates within the April/May session after 2 regular years of registration. Otherwise, the student will pay for enrollment in the new A.Y. without a surcharge. Deadline by 31 December; Remind to apply for the ISEE by 15 December;
- JOIN the group of Mechatronics in MS TEAMS (hr5sw4o) with your student account ( asking to join the channel of your class A.Y. 2024-25 to (Academic Year of your 1st enrollment). This channel will be used for all the communication during your university career;
- COURSES-STUDY PLAN: Attend Courses following only the Subjects of your Study plan (A, B, C1, C2, D, E). The choice is based on the student’s Bachelor’s background;
- Submitting the study plan in the 1st year is mandatory.
- It’s possible to request only one modification per year (not in the 1st year), applying for a request to CHANGE STUDY PLAN;
- The Student must only take the exams described in the approved study plan. If the lessons’ credits differ, the teacher must be informed.
- STRUCTURE IN BLOCKS: Each path has mandatory exams for 78 credits + 24 credits of a specific block + 6 credits for the Internship/Formative Activities + 12 credits for the Final exam;
- CLASSES: The timetable of the classes is available online only one week before the beginning of lessons. There are only 2 semesters per year.
- GRADUATION: apply 60-30 days before