
The list below contains basic, practical, specific information that each student must follow.

  1. ENROLLMENT: Enroll in the current Academic Year (A.Y.), paying taxes in two steps: November (1st installment) – April (2nd installment). Remind to apply for the ISEE by 15 December;
  2. ENROLL IN CAUTELATIVE: If some exam is missing (max 4). No payment if the student graduates within the April/May session after 2 regular years of registration. Otherwise, the student will pay for enrollment in the new A.Y. without a surcharge. Deadline by 31 December; Remind to apply for the ISEE by 15 December;
  3. JOIN the group of Mechatronics in MS TEAMS (hr5sw4o) with your student account ( and ask to join the channel of the 1st year of the Academic Year of your 1st enrollment. This channel will be used for all the communication during your university career;
  4. COURSES-STUDY PLAN: Attend Courses following only the Subjects of your Study plan (A, B, C1, C2, D, E). The choice is based on the student’s Bachelor’s background;
    • Submitting the study plan in the 1st year is mandatory.
    • It’s possible to request only one modification per year (not in the 1st year), applying for a request to CHANGE STUDY PLAN;
  5. The Student must only take the exams described in the approved study plan. If the lessons’ credits differ, the teacher must be informed.
  6. STRUCTURE IN BLOCKS: Each path has mandatory exams for 78 credits + 24 credits of a specific block + 6 credits for the Internship/Formative Activities + 12 credits for the Final exam;
  7. CLASSES: The timetable of the classes is available online only one week before the beginning of lessons. There are only 2 semesters per year.
  9. GRADUATION: apply 60-30 days before