2 YEAR II semester  6 CFU
Arianna Mencattini A.Y. 2021-22

A.Y. 2022-23

A.Y. 2023-24

Computer Vision A.Y. 24-25

Code: 8039787

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Learning basic concepts in digital image processing and analysis as a novel measurement system in biomedical fields. The main algorithms will be illustrated particularly devoted to the image medical fields.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student acquires knowledge related to the possibility to use an image analysis platform to monitor the dynamics of a given phenomenon and to extract quantitative information from digital images such as object localization and tracking in digital videos.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student acquires the capability to implement the algorithms in Matlab through dedicated lessons during the course with the aim of being able to autonomously develop new codes for the solution of specific problems in different application fields.

The student must be able to integrate the basic knowledge provided with those deriving from the other courses such as probability, signal theory, and pattern recognition. some fundamentals of measurement systems as well as basic metrological definitions will be provided in support of background knowledge.

The student solves a written test and develops a project in Matlab that illustrates during the oral exam. The project can be done in a group to demonstrate working group capabilities.

Students will be able to read and understand scientific papers and books in English and also to deepen some topics. In some cases, students will develop also experimental tests with time-lapse microscopy acquisition in the department laboratory.



Fundamentals of metrology. Basic definitions: resolution, accuracy, precision, reproducibility, and their impact over an image based measurement system. Image processing introduction. Image representation. Spatial and pixel resolution. Image restoration. Deconvolution. Deblurring. Image quality assessment. Image enhancement. Image filtering for smoothing and sharpening. Image segmentation: pixel based (otsu method), edge based, region based (region growing), model based (active contour, Hough transform), semantic segmentation. Morphological operators. Object recognition and image classification. Case study: defects detection, object tracking in biology, computer assisted diagnosis, facial expression in human computer interface.
Matlab exercises.