Digital Signal Processing (block C1-C2-opt)

Digital Signal Processing (block C1-C2-opt)
1 YEAR II semester  6 CFU
ICT and Internet Engineering
Marina RUGGIERI (5cfu)

Tommaso ROSSI (1cfu)

A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Code: 8039514


LEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims at providing to the students the theoretical and practical tools for the development of design capabilities and implementation awareness of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) systems and applications.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students are envisaged to understand the DSP theoretical, design and algorithm elements and to be able to apply them in design exercises.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Students are envisaged to apply broadly and to personalize the design techniques and algorithm approaches taught during the lessons.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: Students are envisaged to provide a reasoned description of the design and algorithm techniques and tools, with proper integrations and links.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students are envisaged to describe analytically the theoretical elements and to provide a description of the design techniques and the algorithm steps, also providing eventual examples.

LEARNING SKILLS: Students are envisaged to deal with design tools and manuals. The correlation of topics is important, particularly when design trade-offs are concerned.


A good mathematical background (in particular on complex numbers, series, functions of complex variable) is strongly recommended.



PART I – Discrete-time signals and systems; sampling process; Discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT); Z-transform; Discrete Fourier Series (DFS).
PART II – Processing algorithms: introduction to processing; Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT); finite and long processing; DFT-based Processing; Fast Fourier Transform (FFT); processing with FFT.
PART III – Filter Design: introduction to digital filters: FIR and IIR classification; structures, design and implementation of IIR and FIR filters; analysis of finite word length effects; DSP system design and applications;
PART IV – Random sequences; processing of random sequences with digital filters; introduction to random sequence estimation; estimators of mean, variance and auto-covariance of random sequences with performance analysis; power spectrum estimation; periodogram and performance analysis; smoothed estimators of the power spectrum and performance analysis; use of FFT in power spectrum estimation.

(Dott. Tommaso ROSSI)

PART V – VLAB: applications with design examples and applications of IIR and FIR filters, Matlab-based lab and exercises; use of Matlab in the power spectrum estimation.



a) Combination of: design test (written); deepening on DSP System development (written); oral.
The design test is propedeutic to the oral one.
The course offers a verify in progress (with a related recovery date) that if passed exempts from the design test of the exam session.

b) The written exam includes design exercises.
The oral part envisages questions on the whole program and a discussion on the design test.

c) The written exam is scored from FAIL to EXCELLENT. The design test and the oral concur almost evenly to the final score (x/30).

d) The final score is based on the level of knowledge of the theoretical, design and algorithm elements and tools as well as on their effective use in design exercises; in particular, the final evaluation refers to 70% of the student’s knowledge level and for 30% to her/his capability of expressing the knowledge and providing an autonomous judgment in the design and oral exam phases.

The detailed final evaluation criteria are as follows:

Failed exam: deep lack and/or inaccuracy of knowledge and comprehension of topics and design techniques; limited capabilities in analysis and synthesis, critical ability and judgment; designs and topics are presented with a non-coherent and technically inadequate approach.
18-20: sufficient knowledge and comprehension of topics and design techniques with possible imperfections; sufficient capabilities in analysis, synthesis and autonomous judgment; designs and topics are presented with a not too much coherent and technically appropriate approach.
21-23: flat knowledge and comprehension of topics and design techniques; appropriate capabilities in analysis and synthesis with fair autonomous judgment; designs and topics are presented with sufficient coherency and technically appropriate approach.
24-26: more than fair knowledge and comprehension of topics and design techniques; good capabilities in analysis and synthesis with good autonomous judgment; designs and topics are presented with coherency and technically appropriate approach.
27-29: complete knowledge and very good comprehension of topics and design techniques; remarkable capabilities in analysis and synthesis with very good autonomous judgment; designs and topics are presented with a rigorous and technically very appropriate approach.
30-30L: excellent knowledge and complete comprehension of topics and design techniques; excellent capabilities in analysis and synthesis with excellent autonomous judgment and originality; designs and topics are presented with a rigorous and technically excellent approach.


[1] “Digital Signal Processing Exercises and Applications”, Marina Ruggieri, Michele Luglio, Marco Pratesi. Aracne Editrice, ISBN: 88-7999-907-9.
[2] The River Publishers’ Series in Signal, Image & Speech Processing, “An Introduction to Digital Signal Processing: A Focus on Implementation”, Stanley Henry Mneney. River Publishers, ISBN: 978-87-92329-12-7.
[3] Slides (exercises are also included therein) published on the teaching website.

Mechanics of Materials and Structures (block A-E)

Mechanics of Materials and Structures (block A-E)
1 YEAR II semester  6 CFU
Andrea Micheletti

Edoardo Artioli

A.Y. 2021-22 (9 cfu)
Andrea Micheletti A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2024-25 (6 cfu)
Code: 80300064
(by Engineering Sciences)


LEARNING OUTCOMES: The goal of this course, composed of two Modules, is to provide the student with basic knowledge of the mechanics of linearly elastic structures and of the strength of materials. By completing this class successfully, the student will be able to compute simple structural elements and reasonably complex structures.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
– compute constraint reactions and internal actions in rigid-body systems and beams subjected to point/distributed forces and couples
– compute centroid position and central principal second-order moments of area distributions
– understand the formal structure of the theory of linear elasticity for beams and 3D bodies
– analyze strain and stress states in 3D bodies
– compute the stress state in beams subjected to uniaxial bending, biaxial bending, eccentric axial force
– understand the behaviour of beams subjected to shear with bending and torsion
– understand how to compute displacements/rotations in isostatic beam systems, how to solve statically underdetermined systems, how to apply yield criteria, and how to design beams against buckling

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will apply the knowledge and understanding skills developed during the course to the analysis of practical problems. This includes the analysis of linearly elastic structures and structural members in terms of strength and stiffness.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student will have to demonstrate his awareness of the modeling assumptions useful to describe and calculate structural elements, as well as his critical judgement on the static response of elastic structures under loads, in terms of stresses, strains, and displacements.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student will demonstrate, mostly during the oral test, his capacity of analyzing and computing the static response of linearly elastic structures, as well as his knowledge of the underlying theoretical models.

LEARNING SKILLS: The student will get familiar with the modeling of structures and structural elements in practical problems, mostly during the development of his skills for the written test. This mainly concerns beams and three-dimensional bodies.

PREREQUISITES: The student should have already attended the basic courses of calculus, geometry, and physics.
It is required that the student has good skills with regard to differential and integral calculus, linear algebra and matrix calculations.


Together with the other Module of this course, the following topics are covered.

Review of basic notions of vector and tensor algebra and calculus.
Kinematics and statics of rigid-body systems.
Geometry of area distributions.
Strain and stress in 3D continuous bodies and beam-like bodies.
Virtual power and virtual work equation for beams and 3D bodies.
One-dimensional beam models: Bernoulli-Navier model, Timoshenko model, constitutive equations, governing differential equations.
Constitutive equation for linearly elastic and isotropic bodies, material moduli.
Hypothesis in linear elasticity, equilibrium problem for linearly elastic beams and 3D bodies.
Three-dimensional beam model: the Saint-Venant problem, uniaxial and biaxial bending, eccentric axial force, shear and bending, torsion.
Elastic energy of beams and 3D bodies, work-energy theorem, Betti’s reciprocal theorem, Castigliano’s theorem.
Yield criteria (maximum normal stress, maximum tangential stress, maximum elastic energy, maximum distortion energy).
Buckling instability, bifurcation diagrams, load and geometry imperfections, Euler buckling load, design against buckling.
Basic notions on the finite element method and structural analysis software.

Analogue Electronics (block B-opt)

Analogue Electronics (block B-opt)
1 YEAR II semester  6 CFU + 3 cfu extra
Rocco Giofre’ A.Y. 2021-22

A.Y. 2022-23

Paolo Colantonio A.Y. 2023-24
Code: 8037954 (9CFU)
80300060 (6CFU)

(by Engineering Sciences)

The students who include Analogue Electronics in their study plan are strongly advised to include it in its 9-CFU version, with the last 3 CFUs (out of 9) working as Extra Credits.

Learning the basic concept of analogue electronic systems and circuits and developing the competencies to design electronic circuits.
The educational objectives are pursued through lectures and exercises.

The student acquires the basic conceptual and analytical knowledge, both theoretical and applied, of the main basic electronic components. Subsequently, it acquires knowledge related to the integration of basic electronic components for the development of more complex electronic systems, such as amplifiers, oscillators, rectifiers, etc.

The student will demonstrate to have acquired the methodologies for the analysis and synthesis (design) of simple electronic circuits.

The student must be able to integrate the basic knowledge provided with those deriving from physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering courses, in order to correctly select the most appropriate analytical and circuit synthesis options.

Students must be able to illustrate the basic themes of the course synthetically and analytically, linking together the different concepts that are integrated into more complex electronic systems.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of network analysis in general.


Diode semiconductor devices and circuit applications: clipper, clamper, peak detector, etc. Bipolar Junction and Field Effect Transistors. Biasing techniques for Transistors. Amplifiers classification, analysis, and circuit design. Frequency response of single and cascaded amplifiers. Differential amplifiers and Cascode. Current mirrors. Feedback amplifiers and stability issues. Power amplifiers. Operational amplifiers and related applications. Oscillator circuits. Integrated circuits and voltage waveform generators.

Books for references
“Electronics: a systems approach”, Neil Storey, Prentice Hall
“Elettronica di Millman”, J. Millman, A. Grabel, P. Terreni, McGraw-Hill


Although attendance is optional, given the complexity of the topics covered, it is strongly recommended to follow the lessons.


1 YEAR II semester  6 CFU
Antonio Agresti (3cfu)
Francesca De Rossi (3cfu)
A.Y. 2021-22
Antonio Agresti (3cfu)
Fabio Matteocci (3cfu)
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
Antonio Agresti (6cfu) A.Y. 2024-25
Code: 8039791



The first part of the Nanotechnology course introduces thin film depositions using both physical and chemical vapour depositions. The main objective is the knowledge of the potential and limits of the different thin film depositions in the nanotechnology field. Particular attention is destinated to the deposition technique used in micro and nanoelectronics based on semiconductors using top-down and bottom-up approaches. The interaction of both approaches has been discussed with the student in order to share the importance of multidisciplinary knowledge (physics, chemistry and engineering) where the nanotechnology field is based. The final part of module 1 is destinated to the introduction of the case study of the course about the thin film fabrication of an emergent photovoltaic technology: the perovskite solar cells. In particular, the study of the optoelectronic properties of the materials and the fabrication of several device architectures is important to understand the important role of the manufacturing design in thin film photovoltaic technologies destinated at the industrial level.

Regarding the first module, at the end of the course, the student will have a clear overview of the main deposition technique studied and applied in nanotechnology for different application fields.
Regarding the second module, at the end of the course, the student will know the main characterization techniques for nanostructured materials and electronic and optoelectronic devices till nanometric size.

The student will be able to recognize the applicability areas for the various characterization and realization techniques at nanometric scales. She/He will also be able to apply the knowledge and understanding developed during the course to study and understand recent literature.

The transversal preparation provided by the course implies
1) the student’s capability to integrate knowledge and manage complexity
2) the student’s ability to deal with new and emerging areas in nanotechnology application to energy and nanoelectronics.

The student will be able to clearly and unequivocally communicate the course content to specialized interlocutors. He will also be able to communicate the main physico-chemical characteristics of nanostructured materials and to indicate the most appropriate deposition/processing technique of these materials to technical interlocutors (example: other engineers, physicists, chemists) but not specialists in the field of electronics or devices. The student will also have a sufficient background to undertake a thesis/research work in modern nanotechnology laboratories.

The structure of the course contents, characterized by various topics apparently separated but connected by an interdisciplinary and modular vision, will contribute to developing a systemic learning capacity that will allow the student to approach in a self-directed or autonomous way to other frontier problems on nanotechnology application to energy and nanoelectronics. Furthermore, the student will be able to read and understand recent scientific literature.




I part: Physics and Engineering of cutting-edge nanotechnologies (tot. 3 CFU)

1) Quantum Mechanics and physiscs of semiconductors.
2) Quantum structures and nanodevices: quantum wires, quantum dots, quantum well.
3) p-n junction and diodes.
4) Devices based on quantum mechanics: Working principles and design guidelines for photodiodes, solar cells, light emitting diode (LED), laser.
5) New frontiers of the nanotechnology applications: innovative nanomaterials (2D materials) and organic electronics.

II part) Characterization techniques for nanomaterials and nanodevices (tot. 2 CFU)

1) Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy
2) Transient Absorption Spectroscopy
3) Raman Spectroscopy
4) Electron Scanning Microscopy (SEM)
5) Tansmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
6) Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
7) Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
8) Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPFM)

III part: Lab Experiences on characterization and engineering of nanomaterials and nanodevices (tot. 1 CFU)



1 YEAR II semester  9 CFU
Luca DI NUNZIO (9 cfu) A.Y. 2021-22
Luca DI NUNZIO (5 cfu)

Vittorio MELINI (2 cfu)

Sergio SPANO’ (2 cfu)

since A.Y. 2022-23
Code: 8039166


It is strictly suggested to take the “Digital Electronics” exam before attending this course. You can contact Prof. Luca DI NUNZIO for any doubts regarding the topic.


The VLSI CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM DESIGN course aims to teach the basics of combinational and sequential circuits that represent the basic blocks of any modern digital system. In addition, the course will provide the basic concepts of the VHDL language


At the end of the course, the student will learn the basic concepts of combinational and sequential circuits that are the basis of any system and the basic concepts of the VHDL language useful for the design of digital systems


Ability to analyze the characteristics of digital circuits with particular emphasis on timing and power consumption.


The student will understand the acquired knowledge independently and critically to be able to connect and integrate the various aspects related to the design of digital systems


The student must be able to communicate their knowledge acquired during the course in clear, correct, and technical language.


Ability to critically approach a digital circuit design problem, know how to manage it, and find implementation solutions using the VHDL language



Digital electronics basic concepts
Floating-point and fixed-point numeric representation formats
Combinatorial circuits: encoders, decoders, multiplexers
Sequential circuits: flip flops, latch registers, counters, memories
Introduction to VHDL: entity and architecture, levels of abstraction, HDL design flow, combinatorial and sequential processes, objects in VHDL test bench
Practical activities of circuit design in VHDL


Central unit
System registers
Address logic
System buses
Branching of instructions
Bus synchronization
RAM memories
ROM memories
Flash memories
CAM memories


Feedback Control Systems (block B)

Feedback Control Systems (block B)
1 YEAR II semester  6 CFU
Cristiano M. VERRELLI since 2017-18 (Engineering Sciences)
since 2022-23 (Mechatronics Engineering)
Code: 8039367



The theory of differential equations is successfully used to gain profound insight into the fundamental mathematical control design techniques for linear and nonlinear dynamical systems.


Students should be able to deeply understand (and be able to use) the theory of differential equations and of systems theory, along with related mathematical control techniques.


Students should be able to design feedback controllers for linear (and even nonlinear) dynamical systems.


Students should be able to identify the specific design scenario and to apply the most suitable techniques. Students should be able to compare the effectiveness of different controls while analyzing theoretical/experimental advantages and drawbacks.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students are expected to be able to read and capture the main results of a technical paper concerning the topics of the course, as well as to effectively communicate in a precise and clear way the content of the course. Tutor-guided individual projects (including Maple and Matlab-Simulink computer simulations as well as visits to labs) invite intensive participation and ideas exchange.


Being enough skilled in the specific field to undertake the following studies characterized by a high degree of autonomy.


The matrix exponential; the variation of constants formula.

Computation of the matrix exponential via eigenvalues and eigenvectors and via residual matrices. Necessary and sufficient conditions for exponential stability: Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Invariant subspaces.

Impulse responses, step responses and steady state responses to sinusoidal inputs. Transient behaviours. Modal analysis: mode excitation by initial conditions and by impulsive inputs; modal observability from output measurements; modes which are both excitable and observable. Popov conditions for modal excitability and observability. Autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models and transfer functions.

Kalman reachability conditions, gramian reachability matrices and the computation of input signals to drive the system between two given states. Kalman observability conditions, gramian observability matrices and the computation of initial conditions given input and output signals. Equivalence between Kalman and Popov conditions.

Kalman decomposition for non-reachable and non-observable systems.

Eigenvalues assignment by state feedback for reachable systems. Design of asymptotic observers and Kalman filters for state estimation of observable systems. Design of dynamic compensators to stabilize any reachable and observable system. Design of regulators to reject disturbances generated by linear exosystems.

Bode plots. Static gain, system gain and high-frequency gain.

Zero-pole cancellation.


A.Y.  Mechatronics students Other courses Students Mechatronics average Other courses average
2019/2020 10 62 24 23
2020/2021 19 25 23 24
2021/2022 13 44 21 22


1 YEAR (Blocks B|C)
2 YEAR (Blocks A|D|E)
1 semester 9 CFU
Marco Ceccarelli (6/9 cfu)

Matteo Russo (3/6 cfu)

A.Y. 2021-22

A.Y. 2022-23

Matteo Russo (9cfu)
A.Y. 2023-24
A.Y. 2024-25
Code: 8039785

LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course will provide students with the knowledge and tools needed to model and analyse robotic manipulators in terms of mechanical performance. Students will learn how to design, evaluate, and control industrial and service robots.

KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will learn to analyse robotic systems by modelling their kinematics and dynamics and thus finding their key operational parameters. Furthermore, the student will learn how to design a manipulator from its operational requirements, such as workspace, velocity, and payload.

APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The student will apply this knowledge to design, model, and evaluate robots with examples of use cases. Once identified the joints and bodies that compose a robot, the student will be able to numerically characterize its operation and mobility. Furthermore, the student will be able to critically select a robot type for a given manipulation task.

MAKING JUDGEMENTS: The student will demonstrate their understanding of robot operation by developing and presenting a practical use case, in which they will examine autonomously and critically the challenges behind robot design and application.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: During the course, students discuss key topics, working on a written project on manipulation analysis of their own choice. Project results are then presented at the end of the course.

LEARNING SKILLS: During the course, students are involved in the lecture for a continuous stimulus to verify their understanding of robot mechanics. The knowledge acquired during the course is also verified in the final project on manipulation analysis.

REQUIREMENTS: The student should have already attended the fundamental courses on calculus, geometry, and physics. The understanding of rigid body mechanics and basic programming skills (MATLAB) are required, as well as knowledge of mechanism design and analysis.


  1. Architecture and classification of industrial and service robots
    1. Definitions: kinematic chains, joints, mobility
    2. Manipulation analysis
    3. Types of manipulators
  2. Kinematics
    1. Reference frames
    2. Denavit-Hartenberg notation
    3. Forward kinematics
    4. Inverse kinematics
    5. Jacobian and singularities
    6. Workspace
    7. Path planning
  3. Statics and dynamics
    1. Equilibrium
    2. Equation of motion
    3. Grasp mechanics
  4. Other designs
    1. Actuation technologies
    2. Parallel robots
    3. Compliant robots
    4. Soft and continuum robots


The exam is divided into a written and oral test. The written test consists of three exercises regarding practical use-cases of industrial and service robots. In alternative, a project report developed during the course can be evaluated. In the oral test, the student will discuss with a critical perspective robot functioning. In alternative, the developed project on manipulation analysis can be presented and discussed.


1 YEAR (Block A|C|D|E)
2 YEAR (Block B)
1 semester 9 CFU
Corrado Di Natale A.Y. 2019-20 (new name, ex Electronic Devices and Sensors)
Alexandro Catini (6cfu)
Corrado  Di Natale (3cfu)
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24
Alexandro Catini (8cfu)
Corrado  Di Natale (1cfu)
A.Y. 2024-25
Code: 8039927


To introduce the student to modern sensor technologies and their major applications.


To make the student condition to analyze the sensor performance and to design simple sensors’ interface circuit.


Capability to select sensors for each specific application MAKING JUDGEMENTS:
Evaluate in the different contexts which are the most suitable sensors and evaluate the performance using a standardized parameters set.


Capability to write synthetic reports about the working principles of sensors


To learn how to solve sensors’ circuits to determine their performance and to optimally design sensor systems.


Electronic properties of materials: semiconductors.

General properties of sensors;

Sensitivity and resolution.

Temperature sensors: thermistors, integrated sensors, thermocouples;
Mechanic sensors: Strain gauges: Introduction to MEMS: accelerometer, gyroscope, pressure and flow sensors;

Magnetic sensors;

Optical sensors: photodiodes and image sensors;

infrared sensors; interface circuits for resistive and capacitive sensors

Innovative Materials with Laboratory (blocks B-C-C1-E)

Innovative Materials with Laboratory (blocks B-C-C1-E)
1 YEAR 1 semester 6 CFU
A.Y. 2021-22
A.Y. 2022-23
A.Y. 2023-24 (MS TEAMS)
A.Y. 2024-25 (C1-E)
Code: 8039786

The aim of the course is to provide an overview of novel materials recently developed and investigated for applications in mechanics, electronics, and mechatronics. Different types of materials are considered and described with particular attention on the preparation route, specific characteristics, and applications. Some of them are of basic importance for new technologies gaining increasing attention in industrial practice. The knowledge of innovative materials is strictly connected to the possibility and capability of designing new products.

Deep knowledge of the metallic structure and their mechanical behavior; in particular knowledge of innovative materials for mechatronics applications; selection of conventional material or not as a function of application, structure and properties.

Ability to define materials properties and the most suitable production technologies for the components realization; Ability to perform tests in laboratory; Ability to define appropriate treatments in order to obtain the suitable mechanical properties as a function of service conditions. Ability to select innovative materials; ability to evaluate innovative materials properties.

Ability to investigate, select and choose metallic materials as a function of the application.

Clear and correct expression, in English language, skills on the topics covered in the course.


Ability to face a new problem, know how to manage it and find functional and correct solutions. learning ability will be evaluated by exam tests and laboratory activities.


Metallurgy Fundamentals: crystal structure, defects, plastic deformation. Mechanical tests.

Amorphous alloys: production and applications of metallic glasses as mechatronic devices. Alloys with mixed structure (nanocrystalline and amorphous).

Ultrafine grained (UFG) materials: microstructural features and production routes.

Nanoporous and mesoporous materials: structural characterization and properties. Their applications for energy and gas storage.

Powder metallurgy, Additive Manufacturing Technologies.

Advanced composite materials: properties, applications and production routes.

Porous materials: metal foams, Open and closed porosity (micro and macro). Classification according to size and shape of the pores. Properties (sound, energy and vibration absorption, crash

behavior) and production methods. Functional and structural

applications: lightweight construction, automotive. Metal sandwich structures.

Functional and Smart Materials. Property change as a response of external stimulus: shape memory alloy (one-way and two-way shape memory), thermochromic, photomechanical. Energy conversion: piezoelectric, thermoelectric. Phase change materials. 

Applications: mechatronic, energy. Functionally graded materials.